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As a Berkeley student, you are exceptional. Our role is to provide the support you need to succeed in the classroom and beyond, through relevant academic programs, comprehensive career services, and expert tutoring.

  • Advising & Tutoring
    From peer advising to small-group discussions, academic assistance is available.
  • Student Learning Center
    Need help transitioning to Berkeley's academics, culture? Start with SLC.
  • Graduate Professional Services
    Get support as a graduate student exploring career options and skill development.
  • asian male student studying outside golden bear cafe patio
    Career Engagement
    Comprehensive career resources for the entire Berkeley community.

Academic Achievement Programs

Serving first-gen, underrepresented, and students from low-income backgrounds.

Advising & Tutoring

From peer advising to small-group discussions, academic assistance is available.

Athletic Study Center

Offering a broad range of programs and services to student athletes.

Career Center

Comprehensive career resources for the entire Berkeley community.


Graduate Professional Services

Get support as a graduate student exploring career options and skill development.

Student Learning Center

Need help transitioning to Berkeley’s academics, culture? Start with SLC.