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A Statement from the Dean of Students

In the past, our campus and the greater Berkeley community has served as a meeting point for extreme elements from opposing ends of the political spectrum who have at times sought to violently confront one another at demonstrations. These events may also attract and involve those who espouse hateful rhetoric that runs counter to our University’s values.

We want to reaffirm our shared commitment to the seven campus Principles of Community, which includes these two tenets:

  • We are committed to ensuring freedom of expression and dialogue that elicits the full spectrum of views held by our varied communities.
  • We respect the differences as well as the commonalities that bring us together and call for civility and respect in our personal interactions.

We recognize these events can engender harm for some. If you need support, the campus has several resources, including counseling services. For help navigating these resources, please contact my office, or visit our Well-being Page and our Support Page.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Sunny Lee
Associate Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students

Safety Best Practices

  • There are time, place, and manner restrictions to ensure the rights of all campus community members to teach and study.
  • If you choose to engage in a demonstration, we encourage you to review our suggestions regarding how to protest safely.
  • UCPD advises that if you see violence occurring, separate yourself from it. Doing so can help keep you out of harm’s way. Report what you see to police if you can do so safely, and follow police instructions.
  • Should there be incidents on campus, UCPD will be using the text and email messaging service UCB Warn Me to keep the campus at-large informed about developments throughout the day.

Support Resources

  • Mental health counseling: Counselors at University Health Services (UHS) at the Tang Center are available on a drop-in basis for urgent concerns: Counseling and Psychological Services website or 510.642.9494 (after hours counseling line 855.817.5667. There are mental health professionals trained to provide support to individuals from a wide array of identities, including traditionally marginalized or disenfranchised groups.
  • Medical Emergencies: For life-threatening emergencies, call 911.
  • Medical care (non-emergency): UHS’s urgent care hours Saturday 9:30am-5pm, Sunday 11am-3pm. For after-hours care:
  • Reporting:
    • For information and support on reporting hate crimes or hate-motivated acts:
    • Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination: OPHD, (510) 643-7985, responds to and resolves reports of protected category discrimination and harassment (including race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services), as well as sexual violence/sexual harassment involving students, staff, faculty, and visitors. This may include violence and also harassment such as online or virtual harassment (including “doxxing” or “trolling”), and physical or online stalking behaviors, if the respondent can be identified and is part of the UCB community. OPHD can help you understand your rights, options, and resources, including campus and community support, and offers informal and formal resolution pathways.
  • Law Enforcement: You can and should contact law enforcement directly if you experience physical harm, direct threats, or emergency situations.

Additional Campus Resources